More recent shop finds, all from Uni Mitsubishi Pencil, first up is this Vision Elite, pretty much a standard Uni pen, but as you can see this one is being pitched as a an airplane safe model.

The Uni Gel Impact is not a pen I have ever used, though having a look at here I'm feeling a bit of a pull to give it a go, although I've never really been a gel pen fan, I don't know why. Anyway, here it is, a gel rollerball, pack of two with a the major point being the briad writing line. Now I'm not an especially larger writer, more often writing very fine sized letters, but I would think that larger writers would be more inclined to want to use a fine line, but it's whatever you find comfortable and most appealing I suppose, anyway, I've never seen a gel pen sold in varying line widths so this is an interesting find. The price to me is a bit steep for two gel pens, compared to the price for the three above, they are all form the same maker so I would have expected to price to be in ratio or for these to also come as a pack of three.

And last of all we have the Signo 207 from Uni, a retractable gel ink rollerball, but this time, a new find for me, with tamper proof ink. Now I'm unsure whether this was the classic registers type of ink or some Uni developed tamper proof ink, packaging information didn't really help in that respect.
The need for tamper proof ink now seems a bit outdated with the general demise in use of the cheque book and so on, but I suppose there still is the need to sign official documents & contracts etc. where this pen may have its uses, certainly more usable the than classic fountain pen and registers ink of days gone by. do registers still use fountain pens, I hope so.
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